
Busy as Bees supporting Project 2028

| News, Company

We have become a bee ambassador along with over 200 companies of all sizes and industries to rely on PROJECT 2028 for bee protection and bee communication. Project 2028 is the largest digital bee protection movement in Germany.

The founders of PROJECT 2028 started this bee initiative with their daughters in mind. “Our daughters should still be able to bite into healthy apples tomorrow and pollinating insects are needed for this.” Together with their steadily growing beekeeper community and thousands of private bee friends, they are taking a holistic approach to dying bees and insects. Their outlook: everyone can contribute and help ensure that together as a community we can continue to walk through blooming landscapes and eat local fruit and vegetables in the future.

Why are bees important to us?

Through our activities in agriculture at Vogelsang, we have a close relationship with nature since the beginning of our company history. We have known for a long time that bees are of great importance as agricultural livestock and part of our ecosystem. In addition, we always integrate sustainable aspects into our activities. When developing our product range, special attention is paid to the energy efficiency of our machines, options and features. Another goal is to design Vogelsang technology in such a way that resources such as liquid manure can be used sustainably.

“As a global company, including in the agricultural sector, we particularly value the work of bees. Without the "work" of our bees, the agricultural yield of fruit and vegetables would be significantly lower. Unfortunately, bee colonies can hardly survive today without human care. We are pleased to promote the biodiversity of insects sustainably with Project 2028.” ~ Harald Vogelsang, CEO of Vogelsang GmbH & Co KG

Our five young bee colonies are located and managed by five partner imkers based in Lower Saxony. There they will continue to breed and thrive in a protected area for the coming years. We will be sure to keep you posted on the developments of our bee community.